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$ 448.00 
$ 498.00 

Natural cane woven wicker shades curve over exposed light bulbs like the brim of a bonnet on a minimalistic mobile chandelier. The composition of shade and chandelier shape are of a corresponding curvature. The contrast of natural materials and sandy Black silhouette of chandelier form adds nostalgia to an overall modern design. The shades are rotatable under another axis of articulation allowing more flexibility in the design according to your preference. Also available in 2 & 4 light configurations.

Product Attributes

Dry Rated



Naturally Pigmented

Vivamus in turpis at magna facilisis molestie. Vivamus non nisi urna. Mauris purus dui, semper ac tempor a, dictum in leo. Cras sit amet ante ut ipsum fringilla blandit placerat eget.



Curabitur nec fringilla sapien. Quisque iaculis pharetra turpis sit amet sagittis. Morbi ante lectus, pulvinar eget porta sit amet, venenatis sed lacus. Nunc leo tortor, iaculis sit amet dolor.


Ingredient Sourcing

Iaculis sit amet dolor dapibus, mattis ultricies mi. Proin a erat sollicitudin, fermentum nibh bibendum, varius nibh. Donec sed nulla laoreet, ullamcorper arcu nec, aliquam nibh.